Join us for an evening of connection to some of the Earth's most powerful teachers - the crystal kingdom. Crystals hold and store information from deep within mother earth, acting as an interface for us and the mineral kingdom. Using crystals to amplify our intentions, energy, and healing experience, we will be guided through a crystal healing meditation and crystal alchemy sound healing experience.
**Bring a yoga mat and wear comfortable clothing. Please arrive by 6:45 p.m. to get settled in before we begin**
About our facilitator:
Kinsey O'Leary is a Sound Healer, Reiki Master, Crystal Tones Alchemist and owner of The Sound Space. After completing her B.S. Biochemistry and Cell Biology at UC San Diego, Kinsey specialized in biomarker analysis. Always feeling a call towards a greater understanding of the natural world and human experience, she transitioned to teaching meditation classes and a variety of alternative healing modalities. Today, through The Sound Space, Kinsey helps to bridge the gap between art, science, and spirituality. With the use of crystal alchemy singing bowls, sound healing, and energy medicine, she creates sacred spaces for listeners to enter states of deep relaxation, greater understanding and wholeness.