This is an opportunity to unwind from the world of Doing and enter into the inner landscapes of BEing.
Misty will be offering this musical meditation as a serenade to your soul. Come delight in the sonic vibrations of an oasis sound sculpture handpan, Native American double flute, rainstick, ocean drum, shruti box, crystal bowls, nylon string guitar, sacred songs/vocals and meditative percussion & drumming.
Bring a yoga mat, blanket, pillow & eye mask to allow yourself to comfortably let go and dive in.
This is a sound healing savasana experience for you to really let go of the monkey mind and surrender into the inner journey that these sounds are designed to take you on. If at any point you do feel the need to get up for meditative movement /dance - you're welcome to do so.
We will open & close the evening with open floor / open heart sharing for whoever wishes to share their intentions, insights, etc. Your purchase includes a warm cup of ceremonial cacao from Ecuador and will be a beautiful ally in the heart-activating component of the night.
Please reserve your spot in advance due to limited seating and plan to arrive 10-15 minutes before we begin to allow time for parking and settling into the space. Your purchase includes a warm cup of ceremonial cacao from Ecuador.